Why Vote?

By Leah Shelton, empower: abilities

I know it can feel daunting to go to the polls and vote, and seriously...

Many times it doesn't seem like it really even matters, right? WRONG! Let me help you see why it's so important that you vote EVERY time: Did you know when you vote for city aldermen and local commissioners (think police and fire) you're helping determine who the chief of police will be?

The city aldermen also listen to community members and make decisions for the city based on what they hear. A great example of this is recently due to COVID-19.

Many of our surrounding cities held hearings to determine if we should have masks mandates. Each meeting lasted approximately 5 hours, and Springfield decided to have a mask mandate. Nixa voted it down.

(Of five hours of testimony, only about six people were for wearing masks.)

Did you know that your county sheriff is also elected?

Imagine how bored Robin Hood would have been if all the people would've gotten out and voted the Sheriff of Nottingham out!

What does our State Governor do? They make state ordinances that help determine how the entire state responds to crises. They're like the president of our state. It is their job to ensure public safety and security. The District Attorney decides if an arrest will actually lead to a charge. State legislators determine policies and laws that govern the State of Missouri. They also speak on our behalf regarding issues we find important.

Did you know that you can call our legislators and tell them what you think about a proposed bill or law? These are just a few examples of how important it is for

YOU to get out and VOTE, EVERY TIME.


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